Pioneering UK Professor discusses VR, AR, MR, XR and digitally recreating ancient history
What an honor to interview Professor Bob Stone, Chair in Interactive Multimedia Systems at University of Birmingham, UK, and one of the world’s leading researchers in the field of eXtended Reality. As he explains, XR encompasses Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, Mixed Reality, and Telepresence experiences. Bob remembers the early days – and muses on the future – of XR experiences, and even shares his personal treasure-trove of science fiction memorabilia with us!
This is the first of my interview series with the Pioneers of SIGGRAPH.
I currently serve as Chair of the SIGGRAPH Pioneers, an advisory group who meets for a reception each year at the SIGGRAPH conference. In addition to serving as mentors, each year we have the opportunity to network with fellow researchers and artists who have worked in the fields of computer graphics and interactive techniques for twenty years or more.
As Chair, I decided that during this epidemic, I would be able to interview any artist or researcher from the Pioneers Group willing to spend a few minutes of their lives with me. Interviews are conducted by Zoom, and suffer from loss of lip synch and other transmission quality issues. My apologies for that. More interviews with influential pioneers have been conducted, and more are in the works. Please join our mailing list via the pop-up when you visit
SIGGRAPH is the Special Interest Group on Graphics, the world’s leading organization dedicated to research in Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques. Their parent organization is the ACM, the Association for Computing Machinery.
Enjoy as we “pull back the curtain” to reveal stories of computer graphics history from the people who were there, the Wizards of Hollywood and beyond! Click on the vimeo link below. The password is VRwizard .
15 May, 2020
PS – Somewhere in this video Bob has hidden a Tardis . . . can you find it ?